Lord Puttnam calls on UK film industry to urgently invest in skills training
During his final keynote as President of the Film Distributors’ Association (FDA) in April 2023, David Puttnam issued a rallying cry to the film industry to address its yawning skills gap and grow audiences before the UK is eclipsed as a cinematic powerhouse. He argued that any complacency in investing in the UK’s future will result in international competitors racing ahead – and that this will inevitably lead to the decline of a production sector which has been the envy of the cinematic world for the past decade.

Democracy and Digital Technologies Committee
Lord Puttnam is very pleased to have Chaired the House of Lords Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies, and to have over seen the subsequent committee report, Digital Technology and The Resurrection of Trust, which presented the UK Government with a stark warning about the dangers of misinformation online.

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