Activities Environment

Lord Puttnam attends OU 50th Birthday Celebrations

Lord Puttnam caught up with his old friend Sir David Attenborough at the 50th Birthday Celebration of the Open University at Gibson Hall, Bishopsgate in London last week. 

Lord David Puttnam and Sir David Attenborough at OU 50th birthday celebration

The pair have campaigned tirelessly on climate change issues for over three decades, and share a passion for preserving the planet and ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable environment for future generations to grow up in. In particular, David Puttnam has strongly opposed the opening of a plastics factory in Skibbereen – a development that he believes will do irreparable damage to the locality's economy, tourism and West Cork's identity more broadly as a home of world-class agricultural produce. 

The opening of plastics factory in Skibbereen, and the environmental issues it raises have become hot topics in the forthcoming elections across West Cork. Puttnam has made the argument on several recent occasions that the May 23rd elections offer a perfect opportunity for locals to make clear their overriding concern for the protection of West Cork’s unique environment.